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Rithika's dance treat-Devshruthi-8

Focused rithika started her dance in an elegant way. Today she needs to present navarasas in that song as well as she needs to convey the story for the common audience by her expression and daance movements. Initially, she started with Karuna which is her birth quality followed by Shringara, Adbutha, Hasya, Bhayanaka, Bheebhatsya, Raudra, and ended with Shantha. Along with that song her performance is the great treat for all of us. Everyone enjoyed her performance with silence at the end for few seconds the same silence retained and it vanished by the standing ovation of judges and the chief guest rithika got the shower of applause and claps thunder retained for more than a minute.
Instead of enjoying that best moment her eyes asking the second opinion from his eyes. 

By knowing her demand his eyes showed the satisfaction which is also conveyed to rithika in a fraction of seconds. As an acknowledgement she delivered her cute smile to him. Without knowing result they are in celebration mode.  The result also announced by the judges immediately after other performances. For her best performance, she deserves the victory. She got the title of Navarasa Mayura title from the judges and cash price of 20 lakhs from the show sponsors. Along with that title, judges awarded a lord Nataraja statue type winner shield made up of bronze.

Everyone waiting for that special prize including rithika, so without delay king of durkapur gave the wooden box made up of sandalwood with fine artworks.  Inside she saw the ankle bells (salangai) which belong to the ancestral queen of Durkapur. King kairav invited rithika and her father to his palace for dinner is the bonus for rithika. Her father’s longtime wish to visit durkapur palace also get fulfilled. Amar also invited rithika and her father for tonight's dinner. Rithika father wants to complete his Amaralogical survey, so he accepted and both of them entered into Amar’s SUV seated in a comforting way like their own vehicle. Rithika father opened that wooden box the old ankle bells sound made an impact to both amar and rithika. She collects the ankle bells from her father’s hand by touching the ankle bells rithika fainted.

To be continued….
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